Bouquet spring day
Bouquet spring day
Bright, like spring day ☺️
Bouquet composition: Lavender hydrangia, Pink carnation, Blue Oxypetalum, Silva Pink bush rose, Eucalyptus.
Bouquet composition: Lavender hydrangia, Pink carnation, Blue Oxypetalum, Silva Pink bush rose, Eucalyptus.
Please note that the composition of the bouquet may be slightly changed (due to seasonality and specific delivery), while the style and color scheme will remain unchanged.
Same Day Delivery (order placed before 3 pm). Pick-up available: 2110 Runway Road, Los Angeles, CA 90066. Contact us if you have any questions!
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2110 Runway Road, Los Angeles, CA 90066189
The Grove Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90036
Monday - Sunday 8:00 am - 10 pm
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+1 310-776-1954